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How Has Quran Recitation Been Made Easier

According to the Muslim beliefs, Qur'an was revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad PBUH through Jibrael A.S. This holy book holds a lot of significance in the life of a believer as it is the key of success in the hereafter and a complete code of life it teaches a person how to lead a peaceful and prosperous life and unveils the truths of the universe and the creation.

Importance of reciting Quran

There are many sayings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH himself that highlight the importance of reciting Qur'an among them are the sayings that tell us how immensely a person is rewarded if they recite Qur'an and tries to decipher the meaning behind each verse. Its importance also lies in the fact that God himself has asked his creation to "recite the Qur'an with measured recitation". And to do that one has to learn the right pronunciation of the koranic text which had been made easy by this amazing technology know as New Pen Quran

Perks of the Quran

● Reciting Qur'an brings peace and tranquillity it is guaranteed that a person gets tenfold of rewards per letter.

● The words of Holy Qur'an pours light into one's home when they are recited and it is stated by the Holy Prophet PBUH "Brighten your homes by the recitation of the Holy Qur'an.

● Whoever recites Quran daily will have a light and a companion in their graves which is known as the house of darkness and loneliness.

Allah mentions in Qur'an that it is the medicine for what is in the hearts. Which means Qur'an has the ability to heal the broken hearts and attain inner peace.

● The studies narrate that when a person listens to the recitation of Quran endorphins are released that assures the personal wellbeing and makes them feel sated.


To reap all these benefits one has to make a habit out of reciting Quran or listening daily and while reciting it know that it contains the best and the most beautiful words thus recite it with proper pronunciation and with a sweet voice with taking care of the rules that are required to recite it luckily, reciting Quran, listening to it and keeping track of it has become so much easier with Digital Quran with a pen it enables you to read it and listen to it whenever and wherever you want it, in addition, offers you translation, tafsir and the right pronunciation of the text.

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